Beryl Gemstones
The beryl species is one of the most notable gemstone families. Many people are acquainted only with the most famous beryl - emerald. But the beryl family includes several other important gemstones, including aquamarine, morganite, golden beryl and bixbite.
Surprisingly, the most valuable beryl, emerald, tends to have the most inclusions and the least transparency. The second most famous beryl is aquamarine, named for its seawater-like color. Aquamarine is colored by traces of iron. The deepest colors are valued most highly, though many of the darker colored emeralds on the market have been improved by heat treatment. (not here at Colonial Gems).
All of the other beryls are known as precious beryl, but the pink variety has been given the name morganite. Morganite is usually a soft pink to violet, but a salmon-color is also known. The best known morganite deposits are in Afghanistan.
Golden beryl, occurring in lemon-yellow and golden-yellow, tends to have exceptionally good clarity. Inclusions are rare in golden beryl, and the superb clarity combined with the fine color make this beryl an excellent stone for all kinds of jewelry. Golden beryl is found in Brazil, Madagascar, Namibia, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe.
There are several other fairly rare varieties of beryl. The raspberry-red variety is often sold under the name bixbite. It is quite rare, and to date it has been found only in the state of Utah in the USA.
Golden Beryl - Golden yellow to orange-yellow variety of Beryl. See the gemstone Golden Beryl for additional information.
Goshenite - Colorless or white variety of Beryl.