Celebrity Gemologists and Reality Shows
Amanda Adkins Bernie Gaboury Corny Gem Hunters Dan Kogen Game of Stones Gem hunter morons Gem hunters Gold Rush Prospectors Ron Leblanc Vincent Pardieu
Gem ExpertDo reality TV shows like:Gem Hunters, and Game of Stones, Prospectors, etc., portray an accurate view of how gems and minerals are actually mined, procured, cut, polished and sold? People like Rob Leblanc who have a long history buying and selling gems, now blog about their "Indiana Jones Adventures " complete with video narratives and staged footage of them searching for rough gems in the no mans land of Madagascar, mine fields of Mozambique, or the Jungles of Burma, the hills of Columbia, blah blah blah. The Discovery Channels show "Game of Stones" is even worse, the main star is a guy named Don Kogen a...
The Top 10 tips to buying Gemstones online that ensures a safe, rewarding purchase at the correct price.
Colonial Gems tips on buying gemstones How to buy gemstones online Loose Gems Precious Gems and Gemstones Safely buy gems and gemstones Tips on buying loose gems
Gem ExpertThe internet & eCommerce have heralded the buying and selling of Gemstones with the convenience of the click of a mouse, however is it that easy? 1) The top consideration when buying gemstones online is color. The color should be as pure as possible without a mixing of shades. For example Just Blue is quite different from Bluish Green and so on. Color of a Gemstone is made up of hue, tone and saturation and higher the tone and saturation the better the color. 2) The Top Shades are true colors without any mix of shades. For example a deep red should fetch a higher price than a...